Browsing by Author Atrill, Peter

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  • TVS.005349_TT_Eddie McLaney, Peter Atrill - Accounting and Finance_ An Introduction-Pearson (2020).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: McLaney, E. J (2020)

  • We recognise that most readers will not have studied accounting or finance before, and we have therefore tried to write in a concise and accessible style, minimising the use of technical jargon. We have also tried to introduce topics gradually, explaining everything as we go. Where technical terminology is unavoidable we try to provide clear explanations"--

  • TVS.005360_TT_Peter Atrill, Eddie McLaney - Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists-Pearson (2021).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Atrill, Peter (2022)

  • This book provides an introduction to accounting and finance. It is aimed at Students who are not majoring in accounting or finance but who are, nevertheless, studying introductory level accounting and finance as part of their course. The course may be in business, economics, hospitality management, tourism, engineering or some other area. For these students, the book provides an overview of the role and usefulness of accounting and finance within a business or some other organisation. Students, who are majoring in either accounting or finance. These students should find the book a helpful introduction to the main principles, which can serve as a foundation for further study

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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Atrill, Peter (2020)

  • This book has been written for those wishing to achieve a broad understanding of financial management at either undergraduate or postgraduate/post-experience level. It is aimed primarily at students who are studying financial management as part of their course in business, management, accounting, economics, computing, or some other area. The book should also be suitable for those not engaged in formal study but, nevertheless, need to understand financial management to help manage their business