Browsing by Author June Payne-Palacio

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  • TVS.002589_Foodservice Management_ Principles and Practices, Global Edition-PEARSON EDUCATION (2016)_1.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: June Payne-Palacio (2016)

  • This book offers a comprehensive, current, and practical overview of foodservice operations and business principles. Covering topics like food safety, human resources, finance, equipment, design, marketing, and filled with real-life case studies, this text gives college students a deep understanding of the issues they will face in any type of foodservice operation. Rich with graphics and photos, its visually appealing design is organised for maximum student engagement and understanding. This edition has been updated to reflect new trends in sustainability and food safety issues.

  • TVS.002589_Foodservice Management_ Principles and Practices, Global Edition-PEARSON EDUCATION (2016)_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: June Payne-Palacio (2016)

  • This book offers a comprehensive, current, and practical overview of foodservice operations and business principles. Covering topics like food safety, human resources, finance, equipment, design, marketing, and filled with real-life case studies, this text gives college students a deep understanding of the issues they will face in any type of foodservice operation. Rich with graphics and photos, its visually appealing design is organised for maximum student engagement and understanding. This edition has been updated to reflect new trends in sustainability and food safety issues.

  • TVS.001826- Foodservice Management Principles and Practices_1.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: June Payne-Palacio (2019)

  • The content is still concentrated on basic principles, but increasingly reflects the impact of current social, economic, technological, and political factors. For example, it now focuses on sustainability throughout, and offers greater emphasis on culinary issues. The textbook also contains a new running case study based on University of Wisconsin, Madison’s University Dining Services