Browsing by Author Karm Veer Arya

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  • TVS.006138_(AAP Series on Digital Signal Processing, Computer Vision and Image Processing) Karm Veer Arya,Ciro Rodriguez Rodriguez, Saurabh Singh, Abh-GT.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Karm Veer Arya (2024)

  • "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques in Image Processing and Computer Vision provides in-depth and detailed knowledge about the latest research in image processing and computer vision techniques. It is a roadmap for the improvement of computer vision and image processing, explaining the machine learning algorithms and models involved. The authors differentiate between the various algorithms available and how to choose which to use for the most precise results for a specific task involving certain constraints. The volume provides real-world examples to illustrate the concepts and methods. The authors discuss machine learning in healthcare systems for detection, diag...