Browsing by Author Malaga, Krzysztof

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  • TVS.004960_TT_(Springer Texts in Business and Economics) Krzysztof Malaga, Karolina Sobczak - Microeconomics_ Static and Dynamic Analysis-Springer (20.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Malaga, Krzysztof (2023)

  • This book provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts and principles of microeconomics. It introduces students to the models, assumptions, and empirical applications of modern microeconomics, as well as to the necessary mathematical tools. It covers topics such as economic behavior, consumer theory, theory of the firm, partial and general equilibrium theory, industrial organization, bargaining theory, and Pareto optimality. Students learn not only about economic outcomes at a given point of equilibrium, but also about dynamic economics, which includes both equilibrium and disequilibrium.