Browsing by Author Randy L. Joyner

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  • TVS.007131_Joyner, Randy L_Rouse, William A_Glatthorn, Allan A - Writing the winning thesis or dissertation_ a step-by-step guide-Corwin Publishers-GT.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Randy L. Joyner (2018)

  • This revised and updated fourth edition is the most comprehensive guide yet to researching, writing, and publishing a successful thesis or dissertation. It includes: Insights on leveraging new technologies to maximize your efficiency. Current case studies demonstrating the book's teachings in action. Tested principles of effective planning, an engaging writing style, defense preparation, and more. Written in an easy, digestible style perfect for a thesis or dissertation-writer's busy schedule, this latest edition of a contemporary classic belongs on every advanced degree candidate's shelf