Browsing by Author Richard Szeliski

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  • TVS.002142_100 2011_Book_ComputerVision_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Richard Szeliski (2011)

  • Suitable for an upper-level undergraduate or graduate-level course in computer science or engineering, this textbook focuses on basic techniques that work under real-world conditions and encourages students to push their creative boundaries. Its design and exposition also make it eminently suitable as a unique reference to the fundamental techniques and current research literature in computer vision.

  • TVS.007050_Richard Szeliski - Computer Vision_ Algorithms and Applications (Texts in Computer Science)-Springer (2022)-GT.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Richard Szeliski (2022)

  • Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications explores the variety of techniques used to analyze and interpret images. It also describes challenging real-world applications where vision is being successfully used, both in specialized applications such as image search and autonomous navigation, as well as for fun, consumer-level tasks that students can apply to their own personal photos and videos. More than just a source of "recipes" this exceptionally authoritative and comprehensive textbook/reference takes a scientific approach to the formulation of computer vision problems.