Browsing by Author Thomas N. Duening

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  • TVS.001459_Thomas N Duening_ Robert A Hisrich_ Michael A Lechter - Technology entrepreneurship _ taking innovation to the marketplace-Elsevier Science, Academic Press (2015)_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Thomas N. Duening (-)

  • The focus of this book is on technology ventures ― how they start, operate, and sometimes exit profitably. In short, it covers all the elements required to launch a successful technology company, including discussion of cutting-edge trends such as "entrepreneurial method" and "lean startup," emphasis on the ideation process and development of an effective business plan, coverage of product and market development, intellectual property, structuring your venture, raising capital, sales and marketing, people management, and even strategies for exiting your venture. This is not another armchair book about entrepreneurship. It’s a working guide for engineers and scientists who want to actu...

  • TVS.006367_Technology Entrepreneurship Taking Innovation to the Marketplace, 3e (Thomas N. Duening, Robert D. Hisrich etc.) (Z-Library)-TT.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Thomas N. Duening (2021)

  • Technology Entrepreneurship' provides a practical toolkit for potential entrepreneurs with technology backgrounds that will help them navigate complex issues such as raising capital, IP protection, product development, and more. The book's structure follows the entrepreneurial process in a step-by-step way, defining key terms and helping readers without business qualifications engage with the activities addressed. In addition, it covers a discussion of current trends and developments relevant for tomorrow's entrepreneurs. In-depth information on the practicalities of technology entrepreneurship are combined with experience from academics to provide a unique resource on how to approach...