Browsing by Author Troy L. Dobosiewicz

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  • TVS.007007_Troy L. Dobosiewicz - Teaching Acting with Practical Aesthetics-Routledge (2019)-GT.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Troy L. Dobosiewicz (2020)

  • "Teaching Acting with Practical Aesthetics uses constructivist pedagogy to teach acting via Practical Aesthetics, a system of actor training created in the mid-1980s by David Mamet. The book melds the history of Practical Aesthetics, Practical Aesthetics itself, educational theory, and compatible physical work into the educational approach called Praxis to create a comprehensive training guide for the modern actor and theatre instructor. It includes lesson plans, compatible voice and movement exercises, constructivist teaching materials, classroom handouts, and a suggested calendar for Acting courses. Written for Acting instructors at the college and secondary levels, Acting scholars,...