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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
  • TVS.006062_TT_(International Series in Operations Research &_ Management Science 244) Thomas Hanne, Rolf Dornberger (auth.) - Computational Intelli.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Hanne, Thomas (2017)

  • This book deals with complex problems in the fields of logistics and supply chain management and discusses advanced methods, especially from the field of computational intelligence (CI), for solving them. The first two chapters provide general introductions to logistics and supply chain management on the one hand, and to computational intelligence on the other hand.

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  • Authors: Atrill, Peter (2020)

  • This book has been written for those wishing to achieve a broad understanding of financial management at either undergraduate or postgraduate/post-experience level. It is aimed primarily at students who are studying financial management as part of their course in business, management, accounting, economics, computing, or some other area. The book should also be suitable for those not engaged in formal study but, nevertheless, need to understand financial management to help manage their business

  • TVS.005500_TT_(International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 220) Chung-Yee Lee, Qiang Meng (eds.) - Handbook of Ocean Container Tr.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Lee, Chung-Yee (2015)

  • This book focuses on the impact of ocean transport logistics on global supply chains. It is the first book solely dedicated to the topic, linking the interaction of parties along this chain, including shippers, terminal operators and line carriers. While ocean container transport logistics has been greatly studied, there are many important issues that have yet to receive the attention they deserve. The editors and contributing authors of Ocean Container Transport Logistics: Making Global Supply Chains Effective now seek to address these topics and shed new light on the subject

  • TVS.005501_TT_(International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 260) Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Zaili Yang (eds.) - Multi-Criteria Decision Mak.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Lee, Paul Tae-Woo (2018)

  • This book describes a wide range real-case applications of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) in maritime related subjects including shipping, port, maritime logistics, cruise ports, waterfront developments, and shipping finance, et cetera In such areas, researchers, students and industrialists, in general, felt struggling to find a step-by-step guide on how to apply MCDM to formulate effective solutions to solving real problems in practice. This book focuses on the in-depth analysis and applications of the most well-known MDCM methodologies in the aforementioned areas. It brings together an eclectic collection of twelve chapters which seek to respond to these challenges

  • TVS.005498_TT_(SpringerBriefs in Operations Management) Salvatore Digiesi, Giuseppe Mascolo, Giorgio Mossa, Giovanni Mummolo (auth.) - New Models for.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Digiesi, Salvatore (2016)

  • This book introduces new inventory models to support decision-making when cost of externalities are jointly considered along with costs of logistics. Internalization of cost of externalities gives rise to new logistics costs estimates and functions which managers, researchers, lecturers and students should refer in facing with logistics issues. This book focuses on freight transports of industrial production systems.