Tìm kiếm theo: Chủ đề Investments

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Hiển thị kết quả từ 1 đến 4 của 4
  • TVS.005334_TT_(Springer Texts in Business and Economics) Enzo Mondello - Applied Fundamentals in Finance_ Portfolio Management and Investments-Springe.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Tác giả : Mondello, Enzo (2023)

  • This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to portfolio management and investments. Focusing on four core areas - portfolio management, equities, bonds, and derivatives - it is primarily intended for undergraduate and graduate students alike.

  • TVS.006602_TT_(Wiley Trading) Darrin Erickson - Global Investing_ A Practical Guide to the World's Best Financial Opportunities-Wiley (2022).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Tác giả : Erickson, Darrin (2023)

  • This book discusses the pros and cons of investing outside of one's home region, and why all investors should invest globally. This book will serve as a practical guide to global investing. It will benefit both inexperienced and experienced investors and will be written in a way that is easily understood by all

  • TVS.004954_TT_(Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, 178) Andrea Leiter - Making the World Safe for Investment_ The Protection of Fo.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Tác giả : Leiter, Andrea (2023)

  • The book offers a pre-history of international investment law focusing on the time before 1959 and the ratification of the first bilateral investment treaty and the ICSID Convention. It introduces new primary archival material, including arbitral awards, diplomatic notes, and concession agreements, as well as scholarly writings pertaining to developments in these proceedings

  • TVS.004875_TT_Ann C. Logue - Options Trading_ The Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Ultimate Investment Strategy-DK Penguin (2023).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Tác giả : Logue, Ann C (2023)

  • Reduce your risk and maximize your reward. Options trading can be risky and intimidating, even for experienced traders. It can also be an exciting investment option that can pay serious dividends. This helpful guide breaks down the often complicated process of options trading and explains, step-by-step, how to buy and sell according to your investment strategy, weigh option costs and benefits, improve your odds, reduce your risk, and more. In this must-have guide, you'll find: a primer on what options are and how they work ; a review of how options are valued and what factors affect their price