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  • TVS.007777_UNGPs_Nguyen-tac-huong-dan-Kinh-doanh-va-Quyen-Con-nguoi_VIE_2021-01-12.pdf.jpg
  • Khác/Other

  • Authors: - (2011)

  • Thực hiện khung " Bảo vệ, Tôn trọng, Khắc phục" của Liên Hiệp Quốc Giới thiệu về nghĩa vụ của nhà nước về bảo bệ quyền con người. Trách nhiệm của doanh nghiệp về tôn trọng quyền con người. Tiếp cận biện pháp khắc phục.

  • TVS.005612_TT_Daniel Tudor, James Pearson - North Korea Confidential _ Private Markets, Fashion Trends, Prison Camps, Dissenters and Defectors-Perseus.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Tudor, Daniel (2015)

  • Private Markets, Fashion Trends, Prison Camps, Dissenters and Defectors. North Korea is one of the most troubled societies on earth. The country's 24 million people live under a violent dictatorship led by a single family, which relentlessly pursues the development of nuclear arms, which periodically incites risky military clashes with the larger, richer, liberal South, and which forces each and every person to play a role in the "theater state" even as it pays little more than lip service to the wellbeing of the overwhelming majority. With this deeply anachronistic system eventually failed in the 1990s, it triggered a famine that decimated the countryside and obliterated the lives of...