Item Infomation

Title: You Can Negotiate Anything: How to Get What You Want
Authors: Cohen, Herb
Keywords: Negotiation; Đàm phán
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Citadel
Abstract: Master negotiator Herb Cohen has been successfully negotiating everything from insurance claims to hostage releases to his own son's hair length and hundreds of other matters for over five decades. Ever since coining the term 'win-win' in 1963, he has been teaching people the world over how to get what they want. In clear, accessible steps, he reveals how anyone can use the three crucial variables to always reach a win-win negotiation. With the tools and skill sets he has devised, the power of getting what you deserve is now a practical necessity you can fully master.
Appears in Collections1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




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  • TVS.005054_TV_Herb Cohen - You Can Negotiate Anything_ The Groundbreaking Original Guide to Negotiation-Citadel Press (2019).pdf
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