Item Infomation

Title: 5G technology : 3GPP evolution to 5G-advanced
Keywords: 5G mobile communication systems; Communications mobiles 5G; Hệ thống thông tin di động 5G; Truyền thông di động 5G
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Abstract: The book presents the main new technology components in 5G and describes the physical layer, radio protocols, and network performance indicators associated with them. It has intentionally been written to cater to individuals at all levels of 5G expertise. Some of the topics of discussion and learning resources in the work include: An easy-to-understand insider's overview of 5G from editors and authors who are actively working with the 5G development in 3GPP, the forum defining the requirements Deployment aspects, such as site density and transport network, plus exploration into 5G performance aspects
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  • TVS.005279_TV_Harri Holma, Takehiro Nakamura, Antti Toskala - 5G Technology_ 3GPP Evolution to 5G-Advanced-Wiley (2024).pdf
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