Item Infomation

Title: Management mathematics
Other Titles: Undergraduate study in Economics, Management, Finance and the Social Sciences
Authors: R.D. Hewins
Keywords: Toán học | Toán kinh tế
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: University of London International Programmes
Abstract: People in business, economics and the social sciences are increasingly aware of the need to be able to handle a range of mathematical tools. This course is designed to fill this need by extending the 100 courses in Mathematics and Statistics into several even more practical and powerful areas of mathematics. It is not just forecasting and index numbers that have uses. Such things as differential equations and stochastic processes, for example, do have direct, frequent and practical applications to everyday management situations. This course is intended to extend your mathematical ability and interests beyond the knowledge acquired in earlier 100 courses. Throughout the mathematical and quantitative courses of the degrees we attempt to emphasise the applications of mathematics for management problems and decision-making.
Appears in CollectionsToán - Tin - Kinh tế




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