Item Infomation

Title: Guitar Techniques: Rockin' and A-Rollin' 10 authentic jame with the greats.
Keywords: Guitar Techniques | Kỹ thuật chơi đàn guitar
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Future Publishing
Abstract: GUITAR PLAYING doesn’t come more honest, raucous and exciting than the early days of rock and roll. With the world in a post-war fush of 50s optimism, and America’s teenagers fnding their voice, there were certain things that came to epitomise the times. For our purposes, one was the car (freedom, excitement!) and the other was the electric guitar (music!). Made by trailblazing companies such as Fender and Gibson, the amplifed guitar was a huge entity, as was the sound it made. Grasped in the hands of Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, James Burton, Cliff Gallup and others, America’s guitar developed a sound and a vocabulary
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