Item Infomation

Title: Guitar Techniques: Fingerpicking master 10 vibrant patterns the Blues!
Keywords: Guitar Techniques | Kỹ thuật chơi đàn guitar
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Future Publishing
Abstract: BLUES GUITAR MUSIC tends to focus on the electric guitar due to its rhythm and lead duties in a loud band. The trio format as popularised by, among others, The Jimi Hendrix Experience and Cream certainly helped form the foundation for this. But there is a longer serving of blues as enjoyed by the acoustic guitar, ranging from Robert Johnson and Blind Blake in the 20s and 30s, all the way through to the present 20s with musicians like Eric Bibb, Keb’ Mo’ and multi-stylists like Tommy Emmanuel. Sans amp, the acoustic guitar provides a truth of touch, a raw intimacy that can move audiences like no other format.
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