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Title: Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks : theory and applications
Authors: Xiangyang Li
Keywords: Wireless communication systems | Sensor networks | Hệ thống truyền thông không dây | Mạng cảm biến
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Abstract: If you have to understand and optimize the performance of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, this explanation provides you with the information and insights you need. It delivers an understanding of the underlying problems, and the techniques to develop efficient solutions and maximize network performance. Taking an algorithmic and theoretical approach, Li dissects key layers of a wireless network, from the physical and MAC layers (covering the IEEE 802.11 and 802.16 protocols, and protocols for wireless sensor networks and Bluetooth) through to the network routing layer. In doing so he reviews the practical protocols, formulates problems mathematically, solves them algorithmically and then analyses the performance. Graduate students, researchers and practitioners needing an overview of the various algorithmic, graph theoretical, computational geometric and probabilistic approaches to solving problems in designing these networks will find this an invaluable resource.
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