Item Infomation

Title: Progressive Writing Skills
Authors: W.S. Fowler
Keywords: Ngôn ngữ Anh | Kỹ năng Viết | Thực hành ngôn ngữ
Issue Date: 1989
Abstract: The aim of this book is to enable students to do any writing tasks required of them from intermediate to upper intermediate level, including Cambridge First Certicate. Models are provided to ensure students not only practice the necessary language but that they also develop an appreciation of how to organize ideas and information. * The graded syllabus covers the following writing activities: letters ( formal and informal), narrative, description, discussion, guided writing, speeches, descriptive narrative, summary, reports and reviews. * The writing activities are recycled,which allows individual tasks, such as letter writing, to be selected and practiced. * An appendix containing a unit-by-unit reference section provides information on particular writing conventions and highlights relevant structures and vocabulary.
Appears in CollectionsNgôn ngữ Anh




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