Item Infomation

Title: Nursing Research Using Grounded Theory
Other Titles: Nursing Research Using Grounded Theory : Qualitative Designs and Methods
Authors: De Chesnay, Mary
Keywords: Nursing Research | Qualitative Research | Nghiên cứu điều dưỡng | Phương pháp điều dưỡng | Chăm sóc sức khỏe; GK507A
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: New:York Springer Publishing Company
Abstract: Includes bibliographical references. The book describes traditional and focused grounded theory, phases of research, and methodology from sample and setting to dissemination and follow-up. It encompasses state-of-the-art research about grounded theory with an extensive bibliography and resources. Varied case studies range from promoting health for an overweight child to psychological adjustment of Chinese women with breast cancer to a study of nursing students' experiences in the off-campus clinical setting, among many others. The book also discusses techniques whereby researchers can ensure high standards of rigor. Each chapter includes objectives, competencies, review questions, critical thinking exercises, and links to web resources. With a focus on practical problem solving throughout, the book will be of value to novice and experienced nurse researchers, graduate teachers and students, in-service educators and students, and nursing research staff at health care institutions.
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