Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Toward healthy aging : human needs and nursing response
Tác giả : Touhy, Theris A
Chủ đề : Geriatric nursing; Aging; Older people; Điều dưỡng lão khoa
Năm xuất bản : 2023
Nhà xuất bản : Elsevier
Tóm tắt : Provide holistic, compassionate nursing care for older adults! Based on evidence-based protocols, Toward Healthy Aging, 11th Edition helps you master gerontological nursing skills with an approach that focuses on health, wholeness, and the potential in aging. In promoting healthy aging, the text emphasizes caring and respect for the person. Special sections provide an honest look at the universal experience of aging. Written by gerontological nursing experts Theris A. Touhy and Kathleen F. Jett, this classic text helps you learn to apply scientific research, build critical thinking skills, and prepare for success on the NCLEX® exam and in clinical practice.
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  • TVS.006137_TV_Theris A. Touhy DNP CNS DPNAP, Kathleen F Jett PhD GNP-BC DPNAP - Toward Healthy Aging_ Human Needs and Nursing Response-Elsevier (2023).pdf
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