Item Infomation

Title: Fundamentals of data visualization : a primer on making informative and compelling figures
Authors: Claus O. Wilke
Keywords: Visual analytics | Information visualization | Data Visualization | Visualization | Hình ảnh hóa thông tin | Trực quan hóa dữ liệu
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Abstract: Effective visualization is the best way to communicate information from the increasingly large and complex datasets in the natural and social sciences. But with the increasing power of visualization software today, scientists, engineers, and business analysts often have to navigate a bewildering array of visualization choices and options. This practical book takes you through many commonly encountered visualization problems, and it provides guidelines on how to turn large datasets into clear and compelling figures. What visualization type is best for the story you want to tell? How do you make informative figures that are visually pleasing? Author Claus O. Wilke teaches you the elements most critical to successful data visualization."-ded by publisher
Appears in CollectionsKhoa học máy tính - Toán




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