Item Infomation

Title: Guitar Techniques: Learn to Eric play like Clapton learn five stylistic that reflect the legend's career, from lead soloing to fingerpicking.
Keywords: Guitar Techniques | Kỹ thuật chơi đàn guitar
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Future Publishing
Abstract: For some, he is the shining light of the British blues scene because of his playing on John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers ‘Beano’ album. His tone and technique right from the arresting opener (All Your Love) reset the electric guitar for British players and countless others around the world. For others, he never bested his time with Cream, the Clapton-Bruce-Baker ‘super group’ (before the term was really in use) that featured Eric’s wonderful solos. One only needs to hear, say, the band’s fnal live album, Goodbye Cream to appreciate his tone, phrasing and how far he could push himself for those long improvisations.
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