Item Infomation

Title: Handbook of food and beverage fermentation technology
Authors: Y.H. Hui
Keywords: Fermented foods | Beverages | Fermentation | Thực phẩm lên men
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: New York : Marcel Dekker
Abstract: Presenting a comprehensive overview, Handbook of Food and Beverage Fermentation Technology examines a wide range of starter cultures and manufacturing procedures for popular alcoholic beverages and bakery, dairy, meat, cereal, soy, and vegetable food products. An international panel of experts from government, industry, and academia provide an in-depth review of fermentation history, microorganisms, quality assurance practices, and manufacturing guidelines. The text focuses on the quality of the final food product, flavor formation, and new advances in starter cultures for dairy fermentations using recent examples that depict the main species used, their characteristics, and their impact on the development of other fermented foods.
Appears in CollectionsThanh nhạc, du lịch, việt nam học




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