Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards
Tác giả : Jerry J. Weygandt
Chủ đề : Financial Accounting | Kế toán tài chính
Năm xuất bản : 2022
Tóm tắt : The last few years have brought many changes to the teaching and learning environment. As a result, we scrutinized every chapter of Financial Accounting to make sure our text best meets the needs of today's students and instructors. The most significant changes throughout the text include: NEW discussion of data analytics integrated throughout the text, at an appropriate level of detail for introductory accounting students. NEW Data Analytics assignments at the end of selected chapters. MORE bulleted/numbered lists within the text discussion, to highlight key information for students. UPDATED fair value principle and historical cost principle to current value basis/historical cost basis per recent IFRS throughout. ADDED Answers to Insight box questions near the end of each chapter
Bộ sưu tập1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




Danh sách tệp tin đính kèm:
Ảnh bìa
  • TVS.004342_Jerry Weygandt, Paul Kimmel - Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards-John Wiley & Sons (2023).pdf
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